The Myth of Quantum Consciousness Victor J. Stenger Published in The Humanist, May/June 1992, Vol. 53 No. 3 pp. 13-15. ABSTRACT The notion is spreading that the principles embodied in quantum mechanics imply a central role for the human mind in determining the very nature of the universe. The assertion is made that quantum mechanics has ruled invalid the materialistic, reductionist view of the universe. Materialism is being replaced by a new spiritualism, and reductionism is being cast aside by a new holism that includes the simultaneous, superluminal interaction between human consciousness and the material universe. However, to say that twentieth century physics has tiggered a novel, holistic view of the universe is a complete misrepresentation of what actually has taken place. On the contrary, relativity and quantum mechanics did away with cosmic fields, such as the aether, and destroyed the notion of universal continuity, replacing them with discrete, reductionist particles acting locally and influenced only by the other particles with which they come in contact. In describing the interaction between the observer and observed, quantum physicists left the mistaken impression that human consciousness somehow causes new states of matter to come into existence. Adding further imagined support for a mystical connection between matter and presumed-immaterial mind, experiments have demonstrated that quantum mechanics possesses certain superluminal features, in possible violation of relativity. These observations have led some to suggest that the human mind is coupled to quantum fields that provide a simultaneous connection to all bodies in the universe and, indeed, determine the very nature of the universe itself. Notwithstanding, careful analysis shows that the only entities that move faster than light are mathematical creations of our imagination, like quantum wavefunctions, which are not directly measurable physical objects. Even with superluminal wavefunctions, no signal carrying actual information, and thus no physical interaction, moves faster than the speed of light. Further, inanimate machines can observe just as well as live humans. While arguments over the interpetation of quantum mechanics persist, no experiment has violated the conventional formulation of quantum mechanics since its inception sixty years ago. The overwhelming weight of evidence provides no hint of a violation of reductionist, local, discrete, non-superluminal, non- holistic relativity and quantum mechanics - with no fundamental involvement of human consciousness other than in our own subjective perception of whatever reality is out there. The myth of quantum consciousness should take its place along with gods, unicorns, and dragons as yet another product of the fantasies of people unwilling to accept what science, reason, and their own eyes tell them about the world.